September 6, 2019

Labor Day Camping at Lake Siskiyou

Family Photo by Ezell Images

This is not a typical post as it is a session with my own family. I wanted to share some photos from last weekend of the people I love most! It especially feels right as it is the type of shoot I love to do and want to do more of: lifestyle free-play with families.

My partner and our kids went camping at Lake Siskiyou with our kids near Mt. Shasta over Labor Day weekend. Camping is what we do together, and our kids get to run free and explore in nature. Bring on the dirt, campfire, s’mores, …and bears! We woke to a bear rummaging through our ice chest with made for a terrifying 1am wakeup call. More memories, right?!

Stay tuned as I focus on family shoots this fall while amping up for weddings next summer. I also am excited to announce that I am working on creating a home studio to incorporate headshots and personal branding sessions. More to come soon!

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